Football Kids take disqualified "Mobile Game" in fitting
press release
Photos: Harald Schönig, STADTANZEIGER
just waiting longingly yesterday [04/15/2010] 120 football fans from children TSV 1899 King Bach on her new team. The association had with his great volunteer work in youth football in action "Mobile Game" spotted. Yesterday, handed Tönshoff Katrina, head of the office of the Dietmar Hopp Foundation, the vehicle key to the first Chairman Holger Ganzert. The new vehicle was not yet 15 minutes on the club grounds, as it had divided the youth workers have among themselves. So far so fast was hardly a "Mobile Game" written off.
For clubs it increasingly difficult to mobilize parents to travel to away games kicking their kids. There can Holger Ganzert sing a song - and even with the Dietmar Hopp Foundation, this problem is known, which is why last year the project "Mobile Game" ins Leben gerufen wurde. Katrin Tönshoff erläuterte, dass ein Jahr lang jede Woche ein Bus an Vereine in der Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar vergeben werde, die im ehrenamtlichen Jugendfußball besonders engagiert seien. "Bei diesem Auswahlverfahren habt Ihr toll abgeschnitten", so Tönshoff. "Ich wünsche Euch viel Freude mit Eurem neuen Auto und vor allem, dass ihr viele Auswärtspunkte einfahrt."
Holger Ganzert, 1. Vorsitzender des TSV 1899, zeigte sich stolz, "dass wir es unter die 52 Bus-Empfänger geschafft haben" und bedankte sich herzlich bei der Dietmar Hopp Stiftung. Gäste der Schlüsselübergabe waren neben vielen Kindern und ihren Eltern Bürgermeister and Sport Councillor Ingo Röthlingshöfer, City Association President Michael glue and the chairman of the football circle Neustadt, Karlheinz Theobald. Katrina turned to Tönshoff Chairman Ganzert said with a grin: "I have inspected the trunk already there to fit inside a whole lot of points away.."
the way children fit inside a lot. Even if the bus is "only" designed for nine passengers: as much as 25 boys and girls crammed into the vehicle at the same time yesterday. But not all: The "Mobile Game" is so RECOURSE that the children their youth leader Patrick Bormke urged to make an immediate trip. And thus ended the festive delivery with a small tour of Neustadt district of King Bach.
early as tomorrow, Saturday, makes the "Mobile Game" then on the way to the first few games. The first team will be patient but still have to: you have a home game!
Which clubs have already received a "Mobile Game", available on the Internet currently under .
Info Dietmar Hopp Foundation
The Dietmar Hopp Foundation was founded in 1995 to enable the implementation of charitable projects. The endowment consists of SAP shares, has introduced the Dietmar Hopp from his private property.
Since its foundation, poured the foundation, which is one of the largest private foundations in Europe, totaling about 230 million euros (as
January 2010). The program supports projects in the fields of sports, medicine, social affairs and education. The focus of the promotional activities is in the Metropolitan Region Rhein-Neckar, with the feel particularly connected to the donor. The Dietmar Hopp Foundation is a member of the Federal Association of German Foundations and sports Rhein-Neckar e. V. More information is available at .
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Linsey Dawn Mckenzie, Bra Shop
Notice of Annual General Meeting 2010
On Friday, 04/23/2010 at 20:00 by the clock in the sport at home Hildenbrandseck, 67 435 Neustadt, Hildenbrandseck 10, held our annual meeting this year.
We cordially invite you right to attend.
Agenda: Welcome and
first annual report of the 1st Chairman
2nd report of the Treasurer - Annual Accounts 2009
third report of the auditors
fourth reports from the departments
5th Aussprache zu den Berichten
6. Entlastung des Vorstandes und der Kassenwartin
7. Neuwahlen des Vorstandes
8. Neuwahlen des Ältestenrates und der Kassenprüfer
9. Anträge
10. Verschiedenes
Anträge an die Mitgliederversammlung müssen gemäß § 7 der Vereinssatzung bis spätestens Donnerstag, den 15.04.2010 schriftlich beim 1. Vorsitzenden, Herrn Holger Ganzert, Neubergstrasse 36, 67435 Neustadt-Königsbach be submitted.
Holger Ganzert
first Chairman
On Friday, 04/23/2010 at 20:00 by the clock in the sport at home Hildenbrandseck, 67 435 Neustadt, Hildenbrandseck 10, held our annual meeting this year.
We cordially invite you right to attend.
Agenda: Welcome and
first annual report of the 1st Chairman
2nd report of the Treasurer - Annual Accounts 2009
third report of the auditors
fourth reports from the departments
5th Aussprache zu den Berichten
6. Entlastung des Vorstandes und der Kassenwartin
7. Neuwahlen des Vorstandes
8. Neuwahlen des Ältestenrates und der Kassenprüfer
9. Anträge
10. Verschiedenes
Anträge an die Mitgliederversammlung müssen gemäß § 7 der Vereinssatzung bis spätestens Donnerstag, den 15.04.2010 schriftlich beim 1. Vorsitzenden, Herrn Holger Ganzert, Neubergstrasse 36, 67435 Neustadt-Königsbach be submitted.
Holger Ganzert
first Chairman
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