Konto Nr. 160053523.00
CHF 487'780.90 verschwunden
CHF 487'780.90 verschwunden
Atlantis Group in Liq.
Konkursite VR Mario Posnansky
lic. rer. pol. Peter Künzi, Künzi Consultant von Wettswil am Albis (ZH)
AFP Cargo Lloyd AG en liquidation
Intro TV Zuchwil in Liq
FSB Consult GmbH
Briganzia Treuhand AG
Terra Sana Holding AG in Liq
Terra Sana Holding AG in Liq
The English wonder
The K-Tip warns
The K-Tip warns
Bela Swiss Import GmbH in Liq, Gunzgen (BANKRUPTCY)
Managing Studer Hans Jörg (BANKRUPTCY) & Owner fields Jacqueline
We Are the Future Foundation
Reality Group R. Smajli & Co. in Liq, Bellach SO (BANKRUPTCY)
website of dubious company
The Future R. Smajli + Co.
CEO Riza Smajli
Highly Indebted con man from Serbia and Montenegro
chief representative of the condemned financial juggler Paul E. Wittmer
chief representative of the condemned financial juggler Paul E. Wittmer
WARNING MLM pyramid company
UAE Pension Fund
The Solothurn Upper Court, Criminal Division has the welfare cheaters, swindlers, financial juggler FINANCIAL Juggler, pseudo-scientists PEWZ, legal counsel of none, self-appointed CEO wannabe millionaire , Paul E. Wittmer, President of Foundation . We are the Future Foundation found, among other things because of a commercial fraud guilty His scam he pulled over the years by: Paul E. Wittmer presented himself as a lawyer with the same number of doctor and a professor of , collected advance payments that took funds opposed to it said it profitably.
Paul E. Wittmer has for 27 months in prison
son of RAIFFEISEN BANK administrator of Erlinsbach
in federal court abgeblitzt
Richteramt Olten-Gösgen, Strafabteilung
Urteil OGS/PRK/99000270 ROGWIL v. 11.08.1999
4 Monate Zuchthaus
4 Monate Zuchthaus
Strafanstalt Witzwil BE, Jahr 1999-2000
nach seiner Verhaftung v. 03.11.1999
Richteramt Bucheggberg-Wasseramt, Strafabteilung
Urteil P 107/00 v. 26.01.2000
3 Monate Gefängnis
3 Monate Gefängnis
Untersuchungsgefängnis Solothurn SO, Jahr 2001
nach seiner Verhaftung v. 29.01.2001
Urteil BWSAG.2004.26-ABWALT v. 17.03.2006
Urteil BWSAG.2004.26-ABWALT v. 17.03.2006
27 Monate Gefängnis
Bezirksgericht Kulm AG
Arrestverfahren SB.2007.1 v. 01.02.2007
Bezirksgericht Kulm AG
Arrestverfahren SB.2007.1 v. 01.02.2007
Judgement STAPA.2006.32 v. 08.16.2007
22 January 2008 arise in legal force
The financial juggler Paul E. Wittmer was arrested in March 2008 in Austria.
An extradition proceeding was initiated by the appropriate law enforcement agency
Paul E. Wittmer, gewerbmässiger fraudster is finally in jail
Strafrechliche Department
6B_787/2007/bri Case of 22 January 2008
6B_787/2007/bri Case of 22 January 2008
Paul E. Wittmer, Argenzipfel 455, AT-6883 Au, Austria ,
represented by Luzi Stamm, pilgrims Strasse 22, 5405 Baden
prosecutor of the canton of Solothurn Franziskanerhof, Barfüssergasse 28, 4502 Solothurn,
prosecutor of the canton of Solothurn Franziskanerhof, Barfüssergasse 28, 4502 Solothurn,
Veruntreuung, Sachentziehung, Betrug etc.; Strafzumessung, teilbedingte Strafe,
Beschwerde gegen das Urteil des Obergerichts des Kantons Solothurn, Strafkammer, vom 16.08.2007
Der Präsident zieht in Erwägung:
Das Obergericht des Kantons Solothurn sprach den Beschwerdeführer mit Urteil vom 16. August 2007 unter anderem der mehrfachen Veruntreuung sowie des gewerbmässigen Betrugs schuldig und verurteilte ihn, zum Teil als Zusatzstrafe zu einer früheren Verurteilung, zu einer Gefängnisstrafe of 27 months.
The complainant takes issue with the complaint in criminal matters to the Federal Court set aside and requested that the ruling of the Court was, and he was acquitted of guilt and punishment. Eventualiter the cantonal decision was to collect and dismissed the case to the lower court. After he was asked to pay an advance on costs, he contends that it was opting out of this.
The representative of the complainant shall submit a letter of 28 November2007 to him, in which the complainant Represented recalled that within this period must submit complaints to the Federal Court (Appeals Appendix 1). When this situation them to assume that the agent is legally authorized to act, appeal to lead the Federal Court. Although meeting the representative of the complainant since the second-instance proceedings could not (complaint p. 2 Point 3) on the claiming of a new mandate to be avoided.
The Beschwerdefürhrer challenges the territorial jurisdiction of the authorities (complaint point p. 3. 5) of the canton of Solothurn. Although the federal court applies the law on the substance of official duties on (Article 106 para. 1 BGG). Legal writings have mentioned, however, to Article 42 paragraph 1 BGG among others, the desire and the reasons for giving the evidence. In the ground in summary form, explain how the contested act violated law (Article 42 paragraph 2 BGG). This is for the complainant to the alleged violations and to give reasons for complaints (1C_32/72007 Judgement of 18 October 2007, E. 1.3). The simple denial of the local jurisdiction does not meet these minimum requirements justification.
The complainant submits that the contested sentence was formally defective and therefore invalid (complaint point p. 3. 6). The shape of a cantonal criminal sentence shall not, however, according to Swiss law within the meaning of Article 95 BGG. To what extent there may be a violation of his fundamental rights, is in the complaint not established in Article 106 paragraph 2 BGG sufficient manner.
What else, the complainant submits (Complaint paragraphs p. 4-6 .. 1-5), affects only the facts. This can only be criticized if the lower court has found him obviously incorrect (Article 97 paragraph 1 BGG). "Obviously wrong" means "arbitrary" (BGE 133 II 249 E. 1.2.2), and a decision is not arbitrary, already, if another solution is also reasonably appears, but only if it is obviously unsustainable, the actual situation in clear contradiction, violated a standard or an indisputable principle of law or in the more troubling blatant manner contrary to the concept of justice (BGE 132 I 13 E.5.1; 131 I 57 E, 217 E. 2.1, 467 E. 3.1). Die Beschwerde beschränkt sich indessen auf appellatorische Kritik, die vor Bundesgericht unzulässig ist (BGE 130 I 258 E. 1.3).
Auf die Beschwerde ist im Vefahren nach Art. 108 BGG nicht einzutreten.
Die Gerichtskosten sind dem Beschwerdeführer aufzuerlegen (Art. 66. Abs. BGG). Das Gesuch um Erlass des Kostenvorschusses ist als ein solches um unentgeltliche Rechtspflege entgegenzunehmen. Dieses ist in Anwendung von Art. 64 BGG abzuweisen, weil die Rechtsbegehren aussichtlos erschienen . Der finanziellen Lage des Beschwerdeführers ist durch eine herabgesetzte Gerichtsgebühr into account (Article 65 paragraph 1 BGG).
Accordingly, the President recognizes:
on the appeal will not be processed.
The application for legal aid is rejected.
The legal costs of Fr 500, - to be imposed on the complainant.
This ruling is the parties and the Superior Court of the canton of Solothurn, criminal division, informed writing.
Lausanne, 22 January 2008
On behalf of the Department of Criminal Law
of the Swiss Federal Court
The President: Federal Judge Schneider
The Clerk: Monn
Veruntreuung, Sachentziehung, Betrug etc.; Strafzumessung, teilbedingte Strafe,
Beschwerde gegen das Urteil des Obergerichts des Kantons Solothurn, Strafkammer, vom 16.08.2007
Der Präsident zieht in Erwägung:
Das Obergericht des Kantons Solothurn sprach den Beschwerdeführer mit Urteil vom 16. August 2007 unter anderem der mehrfachen Veruntreuung sowie des gewerbmässigen Betrugs schuldig und verurteilte ihn, zum Teil als Zusatzstrafe zu einer früheren Verurteilung, zu einer Gefängnisstrafe of 27 months.
The complainant takes issue with the complaint in criminal matters to the Federal Court set aside and requested that the ruling of the Court was, and he was acquitted of guilt and punishment. Eventualiter the cantonal decision was to collect and dismissed the case to the lower court. After he was asked to pay an advance on costs, he contends that it was opting out of this.
The representative of the complainant shall submit a letter of 28 November2007 to him, in which the complainant Represented recalled that within this period must submit complaints to the Federal Court (Appeals Appendix 1). When this situation them to assume that the agent is legally authorized to act, appeal to lead the Federal Court. Although meeting the representative of the complainant since the second-instance proceedings could not (complaint p. 2 Point 3) on the claiming of a new mandate to be avoided.
The Beschwerdefürhrer challenges the territorial jurisdiction of the authorities (complaint point p. 3. 5) of the canton of Solothurn. Although the federal court applies the law on the substance of official duties on (Article 106 para. 1 BGG). Legal writings have mentioned, however, to Article 42 paragraph 1 BGG among others, the desire and the reasons for giving the evidence. In the ground in summary form, explain how the contested act violated law (Article 42 paragraph 2 BGG). This is for the complainant to the alleged violations and to give reasons for complaints (1C_32/72007 Judgement of 18 October 2007, E. 1.3). The simple denial of the local jurisdiction does not meet these minimum requirements justification.
The complainant submits that the contested sentence was formally defective and therefore invalid (complaint point p. 3. 6). The shape of a cantonal criminal sentence shall not, however, according to Swiss law within the meaning of Article 95 BGG. To what extent there may be a violation of his fundamental rights, is in the complaint not established in Article 106 paragraph 2 BGG sufficient manner.
What else, the complainant submits (Complaint paragraphs p. 4-6 .. 1-5), affects only the facts. This can only be criticized if the lower court has found him obviously incorrect (Article 97 paragraph 1 BGG). "Obviously wrong" means "arbitrary" (BGE 133 II 249 E. 1.2.2), and a decision is not arbitrary, already, if another solution is also reasonably appears, but only if it is obviously unsustainable, the actual situation in clear contradiction, violated a standard or an indisputable principle of law or in the more troubling blatant manner contrary to the concept of justice (BGE 132 I 13 E.5.1; 131 I 57 E, 217 E. 2.1, 467 E. 3.1). Die Beschwerde beschränkt sich indessen auf appellatorische Kritik, die vor Bundesgericht unzulässig ist (BGE 130 I 258 E. 1.3).
Auf die Beschwerde ist im Vefahren nach Art. 108 BGG nicht einzutreten.
Die Gerichtskosten sind dem Beschwerdeführer aufzuerlegen (Art. 66. Abs. BGG). Das Gesuch um Erlass des Kostenvorschusses ist als ein solches um unentgeltliche Rechtspflege entgegenzunehmen. Dieses ist in Anwendung von Art. 64 BGG abzuweisen, weil die Rechtsbegehren aussichtlos erschienen . Der finanziellen Lage des Beschwerdeführers ist durch eine herabgesetzte Gerichtsgebühr into account (Article 65 paragraph 1 BGG).
Accordingly, the President recognizes:
on the appeal will not be processed.
The application for legal aid is rejected.
The legal costs of Fr 500, - to be imposed on the complainant.
This ruling is the parties and the Superior Court of the canton of Solothurn, criminal division, informed writing.
Lausanne, 22 January 2008
On behalf of the Department of Criminal Law
of the Swiss Federal Court
The President: Federal Judge Schneider
The Clerk: Monn
The K-Tip warns
Briganzia Treuhand AG
Terra Sana Holding AG in Liq
c / o lic. iur. Bruno Semadeni
Matthias Supersberger
The Condor Environmental Group returns to voice their criticism against the urban development that once again comes to getting the province of Almeria, this time because of the atrocious coastal development in the municipality of El Ejido.
The increase in the number of homes in a county or municipality is obviously a good thing for local development and progress. But what is unacceptable is the development "irrational" and unconscious. These macro resorts are assuming the occupation and destruction of hundreds of hectares of coastline. Hecho que, además, contribuirá a la creciente demanda de más agua. Todo este proceso urbanístico está destruyendo poco a poco todo el litoral y va a desembocar, en un futuro no muy lejano, a su total destrucción y desaparición de su encanto natural. A todo lo señalado hay que añadir que este desarrollismo urbanístico supone un enorme crecimiento no planificado, puntual e incluso de la población, acarreando una serie de problemas para los municipios receptores, puesto que sería necesario aumentar la dotación de hospitales, colegios, centros sociales, carreteras, etc., con el consiguiente gasto público.
La corporación municipal de El Ejido aprobó en pleno, la selección del grupo Bancaja, formed by three companies: Comarex, Actur BLAUVERD and to form together with the City Council, the joint venture Ejido SL Urban Development, responsible for the development of the Bay of San Miguel. According to the City of El Ejido, the formation of this company is the first step in a project that will mark a turning point in the urban development of the coast ejidense.
Of course, this action will mean a significant change in the municipality of El Ejido, however, which is not entirely clear is how it will perform. To begin with, will require the amendment of the General Urban Plan and thus reclassify agricultural land to residential land. It should ensure fair purchase of 600 acres belonging to farmers and not to force any expropriation, just because you want to build there. There is another offer to purchase, in addition to the Bancaja Group, the Swiss developer of Briganzia Treuhand offered 101 euros per square meter compared to 60 euros from Bancaja group. All this does more than create speculation and confusion among farmers, landowners. And of course, any urban development should be respectful of the environment in which to locate.
With this complaint the Condor Environmental Group takes this opportunity to make a broader look at whole province of Almeria, as the case of San Miguel Bay is not only the destruction of historical and natural heritage, destroyed by urban development. On numerous occasions, favored by local municipal authorities easily succumb to pressure from business groups. CONDOR
Ecological Association in a bid to raise awareness of the competent authorities, calls for a new management plan throughout the province and especially in coastal areas, that has guidelines on urban growth, which respect the fragile environmental balance existing enabling sustainable development and achieving high standards of quality, sin que el interés económico prime únicamente unos pocos de.
The increase in the number of homes in a county or municipality is obviously a good thing for local development and progress. But what is unacceptable is the development "irrational" and unconscious. These macro resorts are assuming the occupation and destruction of hundreds of hectares of coastline. Hecho que, además, contribuirá a la creciente demanda de más agua. Todo este proceso urbanístico está destruyendo poco a poco todo el litoral y va a desembocar, en un futuro no muy lejano, a su total destrucción y desaparición de su encanto natural. A todo lo señalado hay que añadir que este desarrollismo urbanístico supone un enorme crecimiento no planificado, puntual e incluso de la población, acarreando una serie de problemas para los municipios receptores, puesto que sería necesario aumentar la dotación de hospitales, colegios, centros sociales, carreteras, etc., con el consiguiente gasto público.
La corporación municipal de El Ejido aprobó en pleno, la selección del grupo Bancaja, formed by three companies: Comarex, Actur BLAUVERD and to form together with the City Council, the joint venture Ejido SL Urban Development, responsible for the development of the Bay of San Miguel. According to the City of El Ejido, the formation of this company is the first step in a project that will mark a turning point in the urban development of the coast ejidense.
Of course, this action will mean a significant change in the municipality of El Ejido, however, which is not entirely clear is how it will perform. To begin with, will require the amendment of the General Urban Plan and thus reclassify agricultural land to residential land. It should ensure fair purchase of 600 acres belonging to farmers and not to force any expropriation, just because you want to build there. There is another offer to purchase, in addition to the Bancaja Group, the Swiss developer of Briganzia Treuhand offered 101 euros per square meter compared to 60 euros from Bancaja group. All this does more than create speculation and confusion among farmers, landowners. And of course, any urban development should be respectful of the environment in which to locate.
With this complaint the Condor Environmental Group takes this opportunity to make a broader look at whole province of Almeria, as the case of San Miguel Bay is not only the destruction of historical and natural heritage, destroyed by urban development. On numerous occasions, favored by local municipal authorities easily succumb to pressure from business groups. CONDOR
Ecological Association in a bid to raise awareness of the competent authorities, calls for a new management plan throughout the province and especially in coastal areas, that has guidelines on urban growth, which respect the fragile environmental balance existing enabling sustainable development and achieving high standards of quality, sin que el interés económico prime únicamente unos pocos de.
The English wonder
An unknown Briganzia Treuhand AG weibelt for a English real estate project, you could save so free a pension, she says.
The K-Tip warns
That made me suspicious, "a K-Tipp-reader writes from central Switzerland. Her son had been invited to an information session on the subject property. able to invest without a franc one in a few years a lot of money that they had promised.
was also a K-Tips reader from Solothurn to the miraculous project in touch. "They wanted to sell me a pension plan that would cost nothing."
The project: a luxury village with 1072 houses in the English Murcia named "Mosa Trajectum Golf & Sports Resort ." Swiss nationals are free here, they will only give her good name with a contract or act as a borrower. "Through your credit rating is the Briganzia possible to operate a luxury residence and rent", is in the documents.
Markus Amann of the Briganzia Trust AG stressed: "We offer a collateralized with real estate retirement pension!" His clients, he called the "Law-tors" and "buyer".
concrete terms: the Briganzia takes on the name of its Swiss contractor loans from banks still unknown and investing the money in Spain. From the return of the property they want then its contractors a "retirement" pay.
There's be cautious: it is quite possible that the bank suddenly directly to the contractor of the Swiss Briganzia used - they're mortgagor - and claimed by them the money.
Whether Briganzia each with its luxury villas Geld verdienen wird, steht in den Sternen. In den Unterlagen ist von «30 Prozent Eigenkapital seitens der Briganzia» die Rede, dazu von einem unbekannten «Co-Investor», der «bereits den von der Bank geforderten 30 %igen Eigenkapitalanteil» erbracht habe. Zudem seien «reichste Personen in Spanien» involviert, darunter Ex-Fussballstar Johan Cruyff.
Die Briganzia macht tolle Versprechen...
Umso grossartiger sind die Versprechen der Briganzia:- «Sie erhalten 500 Franken Umtriebsentschädigung für Ihre eingereichten Unterlagen.» Kreditnehmer müssen einen Betreibungsregisterauszug, eine beglaubigte Unterschrift und einen Lohnausweis vorlegen.- Ab dem 3. bis zum 25. Jahr nach Vertragsabschluss there is supposedly a winning contribution of CHF 1,000 .- per year, after that date commits the Briganzia, the prospects for 50 years to pay an annual pension of 21,500 francs. That return was "calculated according to current economic calculations."
Result: Who will really care about his pension should rely again real savings and not to the mill.
If this: If the Briganzia suffer with her strange shipwreck would construct its Swiss contractor under the contract suddenly forced owners of a house in Spain. So it could well be that a sudden financial obligations and Telephone bills appear to make life very difficult for the victims.
is particularly striking in the whole project as it is sold in Switzerland to the people.
A first indication of the project was received at the K-tip because Briganzia records relating to the seal of the infamous pyramid company Power Management Lifestyle (PML) were in circulation. PML sold unemployed worthless, but very expensive motivational seminars (see K-Tipp 5 / 04).
has now distanced itself Briganzia CEO Markus Amann of the PML .... and the sellers collect commissions.
A K-Tips reader also reports that the man he wanted to convey the alleged retirement, working alone as a bouncer and have no mortgage or real estate or retirement even the slightest idea.
The Zurich bancassurance company Eurofinas SA conveys the English miracle, in order to collect commissions. She wrote the K-tip, that applies to a "very safe for the customer care."
K-Tipp-readers and readers will now know better.
valuable tips about "buying a house abroad", see the current K-Money Issue of April 2004. It is available on newsstands or by calling 01 253 1990 60th
21st April 2004 Ernst Meier Hofer -
Result: Who will really care about his pension should rely again real savings and not to the mill.
If this: If the Briganzia suffer with her strange shipwreck would construct its Swiss contractor under the contract suddenly forced owners of a house in Spain. So it could well be that a sudden financial obligations and Telephone bills appear to make life very difficult for the victims.
is particularly striking in the whole project as it is sold in Switzerland to the people.
A first indication of the project was received at the K-tip because Briganzia records relating to the seal of the infamous pyramid company Power Management Lifestyle (PML) were in circulation. PML sold unemployed worthless, but very expensive motivational seminars (see K-Tipp 5 / 04).
has now distanced itself Briganzia CEO Markus Amann of the PML .... and the sellers collect commissions.
A K-Tips reader also reports that the man he wanted to convey the alleged retirement, working alone as a bouncer and have no mortgage or real estate or retirement even the slightest idea.
The Zurich bancassurance company Eurofinas SA conveys the English miracle, in order to collect commissions. She wrote the K-tip, that applies to a "very safe for the customer care."
K-Tipp-readers and readers will now know better.
valuable tips about "buying a house abroad", see the current K-Money Issue of April 2004. It is available on newsstands or by calling 01 253 1990 60th
21st April 2004 Ernst Meier Hofer -
III. Administration
From Social Justice Number One
Cartagena 1471 Demand III. Administration
From Social Justice Number One
203/2006. 146/2006 execution.
NIG: 30016 4 0100235/2006 N º 01 000
Autos: Demand 203/2006.
Execution No.: 146/2006
Matter: Ordinary.
Applicant: Koudia Aynaou.
Defendant: Matthias Supersberger (son), Hans Jorg
Mallige , Fogasa , Suedhaus Building, SL , Suedhaus
Vertrieb GmbH Planung-Bau A AUT 26838704 , Matthias
Supersberg , Brigancia Trehhand AG, Thomas Supersberg .
Autos: Demand 203/2006.
Execution No.: 146/2006
Matter: Ordinary.
Applicant: Koudia Aynaou.
Defendant: Matthias Supersberger (son), Hans Jorg
Mallige , Fogasa , Suedhaus Building, SL , Suedhaus
Vertrieb GmbH Planung-Bau A AUT 26838704 , Matthias
Supersberg , Brigancia Trehhand AG, Thomas Supersberg .
Doña Rosa Elena Nicholas Nicholas, Clerk of
Social Court Number One of Cartagena,
I know: That in the execution procedure
146/2006 of the Labour Court, followed at the request of Koudia
Aynaou, executed against Supersberger
Matthias (son) Hans Jorg Mallige Suedhaus Construcciones, SL Suedhaus
Vertrieb GmbH Planung-Bau A
AUT Matthias 26838704 Supersberg, Brigancia Trehhand
AG, Thomas Supersberg on ordinary
order has been issued, part of which provides as follows:
Social Court Number One of Cartagena,
I know: That in the execution procedure
146/2006 of the Labour Court, followed at the request of Koudia
Aynaou, executed against Supersberger
Matthias (son) Hans Jorg Mallige Suedhaus Construcciones, SL Suedhaus
Vertrieb GmbH Planung-Bau A
AUT Matthias 26838704 Supersberg, Brigancia Trehhand
AG, Thomas Supersberg on ordinary
order has been issued, part of which provides as follows:
part In response to the above, we agree;
a) declare the / the executed / s
Supersberger Matthias (son), Hans Jorg Mallige Fogasa, Suedhaus Buildings,
SL, Suedhaus Planung Vertrieb GmbH Bau-AUT A
26838704, Matthias Supersberg, Brigancia Trehhand AG, Thomas Supersberg
insolvent total por
importe de 1.126,85 euros insolvencia que se entenderá a
todos los efectos como provisional.
Supersberger Matthias (son), Hans Jorg Mallige Fogasa, Suedhaus Buildings,
SL, Suedhaus Planung Vertrieb GmbH Bau-AUT A
26838704, Matthias Supersberg, Brigancia Trehhand AG, Thomas Supersberg
insolvent total por
importe de 1.126,85 euros insolvencia que se entenderá a
todos los efectos como provisional.
b) Archivar las actuaciones previa anotación en el
Libro correspondiente de este Juzgado, y sin perjuicio de
continuar la ejecución si en lo sucesivo se conocen nuevos
bienes del ejecutado.
Libro correspondiente de este Juzgado, y sin perjuicio de
continuar la ejecución si en lo sucesivo se conocen nuevos
bienes del ejecutado.
Notifíquese la presente resolución a las partes y al
Fondo de Garantía Salarial advirtiéndose que contra la
misma cabe interponer recurso de reposición ante este
juzgado dentro del plazo de cinco dias hábiles a contar
desde su notificación. Encontrándose la ejecutada en ignorado
paradero notifíquese the same by means of advertisements
under Article 59 of the LPL and once signed, get
delivery to the performing party certification for
takes effect before the Wage Guarantee Fund. Get rid BORME
edict under article 274.5 of the LPL
Fondo de Garantía Salarial advirtiéndose que contra la
misma cabe interponer recurso de reposición ante este
juzgado dentro del plazo de cinco dias hábiles a contar
desde su notificación. Encontrándose la ejecutada en ignorado
paradero notifíquese the same by means of advertisements
under Article 59 of the LPL and once signed, get
delivery to the performing party certification for
takes effect before the Wage Guarantee Fund. Get rid BORME
edict under article 274.5 of the LPL
For this car, I pronounce, order and sign the Honourable Mr. Justice
Don Carlos Contreras, Miguel. Attest.
Don Carlos Contreras, Miguel. Attest.
The / the Magistrate Judge. The Secretary judiciary. "
And let this be a legal notice in the above-mentioned shape
executed, whereabouts unknown, I issue this
for insertion into the Official Gazette of the Region of Murcia
and placement in the bulletin board, with
warning the recipient that the following communications
will be in the bar of this Court, except
which takes the form of order or decision or
try site.
In Cartagena, 19 January, two thousand seven
.- The Secretary Judicial.
.- The Secretary Judicial.
Planung-Vertrieb GmbH AUT 26838704,
insolvency Doña Rosa Elena Nicholas Nicholas, Clerk of the Court of Social
Issue 1, Cartagena,
I Know: That the procedure
147/06 Implementation of the Labour Court, followed a request
D. Brahim Yagoubi against companies Suedhaus
Construcciones, SL, Bau Planung Suedhaus Vertrieb GmbH A-Aut
26838704, Brigancia Trehhand Ag, Matthias
Supersberg, Thomas Supersberg, Hans Jorg
Supersberger Mallige and Matthias (son) has been given in the
Auto data day, which is declared to run
total amount of 1126.85 euros insolvency
considered for all purposes to be provisional.
And in accordance with art. 274.5 for LPL,
I issue this to be inserted in the Official Register of
. "
Cartagena, January 22, 2007.-Judicial Clerk, Rosa Elena Nicolás
Terra Sana Holding AG in Liquidation
Frühere Bezeichnung Briganzia Treuhand AG
Domizil: Im Sonnenhof Mollis
Frühere Bezeichnung Briganzia Treuhand AG
Domizil: Im Sonnenhof Mollis
Status: gelöscht
Löschdatum: 12/04/2006
legal form: Corporation
Address: Mollis
SOGC: 235 / 2006 dated 12/04/2006 (page 8)
28.11.2006 (890) terra-Sana Holding AG in Liquidation, in Mollis, CH-, involvement in domestic and foreign companies and the acquisition, management and sale of real estate of all kind in Europe, etc., Aktiengesellschaft (SHAB No. 163 of 24 08th, 2006, p. 8; Publ 3.51888 million). The company will be deleted within the meaning of Article 66, paragraph 2, sentence 2 HRegV ex officio.
SOGC: 164 / 2006 from 25.08.2006 (page 24)
08/25/2006 (185 365) 1 Debtor: Terra Sana Holding AG in Liquidation, c / o lic. iur. Bruno Semadeni in Sonnenhof 2, 8753 Mollis2. Bankruptcy: 26.06.20063. Bankruptcy setting: 09.08.20064. Term set forth. Article 230 Abs2 SchKG: 04.09.20065. Advance on costs: CHF 4'500 .00 Note: The bankruptcy is declared as closed, unless a creditor within the aforementioned period, the implementation requires and provides for covering the said advance. To recover costs of further advances will vorbehalten.6. Comments: Within the same period have a third party holders of assets of the bankrupt person or which has such assets to register with the Office of bankruptcy (Bankruptcy Law Article 222). Bankruptcy Office of the Canton of Glarus Glarus
SOGC: 163 / 2006 dated 24.08.2006 (page 8)
08/18/2006 (619) terra-Sana Holding AG in Liquidation, in Mollis, CH-, participation in - and foreign companies and the acquisition, management and sale of real estate of all kind in Europe, Aktiengesellschaft (SHAB No. 144 of 27 07th, 2006, p. 7, Publ 3,485,736). The bankruptcy proceedings have been set by decree of the District Court President 09.08.2006 lack of assets.
08/18/2006 (619) terra-Sana Holding AG in Liquidation, in Mollis, CH-, participation in - and foreign companies and the acquisition, management and sale of real estate of all kind in Europe, Aktiengesellschaft (SHAB No. 144 of 27 07th, 2006, p. 7, Publ 3,485,736). The bankruptcy proceedings have been set by decree of the District Court President 09.08.2006 lack of assets.
SOGC: 144 / 2006 vom 27.07.2006 (page 7)
21.07.2006 (561) terra-Sana Holding AG, Mollis, CH-, involvement to domestic and foreign companies and the acquisition, management and sale of real estate of all kind in Europe, etc., Aktiengesellschaft (SHAB No. 16 of 24 01, 2006, p. 8, publication 3,210,058) new firm. Terra Sana Holding AG in liquidation. By order of the District Court on 26/06/2006 President has announced the bankruptcy of the company, therefore, the Company is dissolved.
21.07.2006 (561) terra-Sana Holding AG, Mollis, CH-, involvement to domestic and foreign companies and the acquisition, management and sale of real estate of all kind in Europe, etc., Aktiengesellschaft (SHAB No. 16 of 24 01, 2006, p. 8, publication 3,210,058) new firm. Terra Sana Holding AG in liquidation. By order of the District Court on 26/06/2006 President has announced the bankruptcy of the company, therefore, the Company is dissolved.
SOGC: 016 / 2006 dated 01/24/2006 (page 8)
18.01.2006 (34) Terra Sana Holding AG, Mollis, CH-, participation in in- and foreign companies and the acquisition, management and sale of real estate of all kind in Europe, joint stock company (SHAB Nr. 225 vom 18. 11. 2005, S. 7, Publ. 3110464).Eingetragene Personen neu oder mutierend: Supersberger, Matthias, österreichischer Staatsangehöriger, in Ferndorf (A), Präsident, mit Einzelunterschrift [bisher: mit Kollektivunterschrift zu zweien].
18.01.2006 (34) Terra Sana Holding AG, Mollis, CH-, participation in in- and foreign companies and the acquisition, management and sale of real estate of all kind in Europe, joint stock company (SHAB Nr. 225 vom 18. 11. 2005, S. 7, Publ. 3110464).Eingetragene Personen neu oder mutierend: Supersberger, Matthias, österreichischer Staatsangehöriger, in Ferndorf (A), Präsident, mit Einzelunterschrift [bisher: mit Kollektivunterschrift zu zweien].
SHAB: 232 / 2005 vom 29.11.2005 (Seite 16)
23.11.2005 (12595) Briganzia Treuhand AG, Sitz: Zug, CH-, Beteiligung an in- und ausländischen Gesellschaften, Aktiengesellschaft (SHAB Nr. 222 vom 15.11.2005, S. 15, Id. 3104412).Löschung: von Amtes wegen infolge Sitzverlegung nach Mollis (SHAB Nr. 225 vom 18.11.2005, Seite 7); Firma neu: Terra-Sana Holding AG.
23.11.2005 (12595) Briganzia Treuhand AG, Sitz: Zug, CH-, Beteiligung an in- und ausländischen Gesellschaften, Aktiengesellschaft (SHAB Nr. 222 vom 15.11.2005, S. 15, Id. 3104412).Löschung: von Amtes wegen infolge Sitzverlegung nach Mollis (SHAB Nr. 225 vom 18.11.2005, Seite 7); Firma neu: Terra-Sana Holding AG.
SOGC: 225 / 2005, 18.11.2005 (page 7)
14/11/2005 (788) Briganzia Trust Ltd, now in train, CH-, participation in and foreign companies and the acquisition, administration and sales of real estate of all kinds in Europe, Aktiengesellschaft (SHAB No. 210, 28 10th, 2005, p. 13) founding statutes. 03.07.2003.Statutenänderung: 3 11. 2005.Firma new: Terra Sana Holding AG.Sitz new: Mollis.Domizil re: c / o lic. Bruno Semadeni, the Sonnenhof 2, 8753 Mollis.Zweck: participation in domestic and foreign companies and the acquisition, management and sale of real estate of all kind in Europe, can subsidiaries errichten.Aktienkapital: CHF 100'000.--.Liberierung Aktienkapital: CHF 100'000.--.Aktien: 10'000 Inhaberaktien zu CHF 10.--.Qualifizierte Tatbestände: Sacheinlage: Die Gesellschaft übernahm bei der Gründung, gemäss Sacheinlagevertrag vom 03.07.2003, 10'000 Inhaberaktien zu CHF 10.-- der 'Salevia Treuhand AG', in Kriens, wofür 10'000 Inhaberaktien zu CHF 10.-- ausgegeben wurden [wie bisher].Publikationsorgan: SHAB.Mitteilungen neu: Die Mitteilungen an die Aktionäre erfolgen schriftlich, sofern die Adressen sämtlicher Aktionäre bekannt sind.Ausgeschiedene Personen und erloschene Unterschriften: Tebor Treuhand AG, in Zug, Revisionsstelle.Eingetragene Personen neu oder mutierend: Supersberger, Matthias, Austrian national, two in remote village (A), President, with joint signature [as before], Amann, Markus, of Zurich, Geroldswil, Member, with joint signature [as before]; Malliga, Hans Jörg, an Austrian national, in Puch (A), Director, with joint signature [as before];. jun Super Berger, Matthias, an Austrian citizen, two in remote village (A), Director, with joint signature [as before], Super-Berger, Thomas, an Austrian national, in Ferndorf (A), Director, with joint signature [as before], Semadeni, lic. Bruno, of Poschiavo in Mollis, Member, with individual signature; OTC AG, Mollis, auditors.
14/11/2005 (788) Briganzia Trust Ltd, now in train, CH-, participation in and foreign companies and the acquisition, administration and sales of real estate of all kinds in Europe, Aktiengesellschaft (SHAB No. 210, 28 10th, 2005, p. 13) founding statutes. 03.07.2003.Statutenänderung: 3 11. 2005.Firma new: Terra Sana Holding AG.Sitz new: Mollis.Domizil re: c / o lic. Bruno Semadeni, the Sonnenhof 2, 8753 Mollis.Zweck: participation in domestic and foreign companies and the acquisition, management and sale of real estate of all kind in Europe, can subsidiaries errichten.Aktienkapital: CHF 100'000.--.Liberierung Aktienkapital: CHF 100'000.--.Aktien: 10'000 Inhaberaktien zu CHF 10.--.Qualifizierte Tatbestände: Sacheinlage: Die Gesellschaft übernahm bei der Gründung, gemäss Sacheinlagevertrag vom 03.07.2003, 10'000 Inhaberaktien zu CHF 10.-- der 'Salevia Treuhand AG', in Kriens, wofür 10'000 Inhaberaktien zu CHF 10.-- ausgegeben wurden [wie bisher].Publikationsorgan: SHAB.Mitteilungen neu: Die Mitteilungen an die Aktionäre erfolgen schriftlich, sofern die Adressen sämtlicher Aktionäre bekannt sind.Ausgeschiedene Personen und erloschene Unterschriften: Tebor Treuhand AG, in Zug, Revisionsstelle.Eingetragene Personen neu oder mutierend: Supersberger, Matthias, Austrian national, two in remote village (A), President, with joint signature [as before], Amann, Markus, of Zurich, Geroldswil, Member, with joint signature [as before]; Malliga, Hans Jörg, an Austrian national, in Puch (A), Director, with joint signature [as before];. jun Super Berger, Matthias, an Austrian citizen, two in remote village (A), Director, with joint signature [as before], Super-Berger, Thomas, an Austrian national, in Ferndorf (A), Director, with joint signature [as before], Semadeni, lic. Bruno, of Poschiavo in Mollis, Member, with individual signature; OTC AG, Mollis, auditors.
SOGC: 222 / 2005, 15.11.2005 (page 15)
09.11.2005 (11 977) Briganzia Trust Ltd, registered office: train, CH-, participation in and . foreign companies, joint stock company (SHAB No 210 of 28.10.2005, p. 13, Id 3080046) Registered persons Deleted: [Tebor Trust Ltd, in train, auditors].
09.11.2005 (11 977) Briganzia Trust Ltd, registered office: train, CH-, participation in and . foreign companies, joint stock company (SHAB No 210 of 28.10.2005, p. 13, Id 3080046) Registered persons Deleted: [Tebor Trust Ltd, in train, auditors].
SOGC: 210 / 2005 dated 28.10.2005 (page 13)
10/24/2005 (11 453) Briganzia Trust Ltd, registered office: train, CH-, participation in in- und ausländischen Gesellschaften, Aktiengesellschaft (SHAB Nr. 172 vom 06.09.2005, S. 17, Id. 3005310).Eingetragene Personen Gelöscht: [Rähmi, Hans, Heimat: Marthalen, in Zug, Vize-Präsident mit Kollektivunterschrift zu zweien].
10/24/2005 (11 453) Briganzia Trust Ltd, registered office: train, CH-, participation in in- und ausländischen Gesellschaften, Aktiengesellschaft (SHAB Nr. 172 vom 06.09.2005, S. 17, Id. 3005310).Eingetragene Personen Gelöscht: [Rähmi, Hans, Heimat: Marthalen, in Zug, Vize-Präsident mit Kollektivunterschrift zu zweien].
SHAB: 172 / 2005 vom 06.09.2005 (Seite 17)
31.08.2005 (9425) Briganzia Treuhand AG, Sitz: Zug, CH-, Beteiligung an in- und ausländischen Gesellschaften, Aktiengesellschaft (SHAB Nr. 46 vom 07.03.2005, S. 18, Id. 2732134).Eingetragene Personen Neu: Amann, Markus Max, Heimat: Zürich, in Geroldswil, Mitglied mit Kollektivunterschrift zu zweien; Malliga, Hans Jörg, Origin: Austria, Puch (AT), zweien.Gelöscht director with joint signatures of: [Zwicky, Rolf, Homeland: Mollis, in Seltisberg, member with joint signature].
31.08.2005 (9425) Briganzia Treuhand AG, Sitz: Zug, CH-, Beteiligung an in- und ausländischen Gesellschaften, Aktiengesellschaft (SHAB Nr. 46 vom 07.03.2005, S. 18, Id. 2732134).Eingetragene Personen Neu: Amann, Markus Max, Heimat: Zürich, in Geroldswil, Mitglied mit Kollektivunterschrift zu zweien; Malliga, Hans Jörg, Origin: Austria, Puch (AT), zweien.Gelöscht director with joint signatures of: [Zwicky, Rolf, Homeland: Mollis, in Seltisberg, member with joint signature].
SOGC: 046 / 2005 of 07.03.2005 (page 18)
01/03/2005 (2357) Briganzia Trust Ltd, registered office: train, CH-, the company seeks the trust business , Aktiengesellschaft (SHAB No. 237 dated 06.12.2004, p. 20, Id 2573574) Statutes Amendment: New 22.02.2005.Zweck: participation in domestic and foreign companies and the acquisition, management and sale of real estate of all kind in Europe. can subsidiaries errichten.Eingetragene People Changed: Rähmi, Hans, home: Mart Halen, two in train, Vice-President with joint signature [formerly: Member with single signature]. New: Super Berger, Matthias, Origin: Austria, in a remote village (AT), President with joint signature ; Zwicky, Rolf, Homeland: Mollis, in Seltisberg, member with joint signature; Super Berger, Thomas, Origin: Austria, in a remote village (AT), the manager with joint signatures, Jr. Super Berger, Matthias, Origin: Austria, in a remote village. twos (UK), Director jointly.
01/03/2005 (2357) Briganzia Trust Ltd, registered office: train, CH-, the company seeks the trust business , Aktiengesellschaft (SHAB No. 237 dated 06.12.2004, p. 20, Id 2573574) Statutes Amendment: New 22.02.2005.Zweck: participation in domestic and foreign companies and the acquisition, management and sale of real estate of all kind in Europe. can subsidiaries errichten.Eingetragene People Changed: Rähmi, Hans, home: Mart Halen, two in train, Vice-President with joint signature [formerly: Member with single signature]. New: Super Berger, Matthias, Origin: Austria, in a remote village (AT), President with joint signature ; Zwicky, Rolf, Homeland: Mollis, in Seltisberg, member with joint signature; Super Berger, Thomas, Origin: Austria, in a remote village (AT), the manager with joint signatures, Jr. Super Berger, Matthias, Origin: Austria, in a remote village. twos (UK), Director jointly.
SOGC: 237 / 2004 dated 06.12.2004 (page 20)
30.11.2004 (12188) Briganzia Treuhand AG, Sitz: Zug, CH-, Die Gesellschaft bezweckt das Treuhandgeschäft, Aktiengesellschaft (SHAB Nr. 182 vom 23.09.2003, S. 17, Id. 1182882).Eingetragene Personen Neu: Tebor Treuhand AG, in Zug, Revisionsstelle.Gelöscht: [In Treu Treuhand-Gesellschaft AG, in Zug, Revisionsstelle].
30.11.2004 (12188) Briganzia Treuhand AG, Sitz: Zug, CH-, Die Gesellschaft bezweckt das Treuhandgeschäft, Aktiengesellschaft (SHAB Nr. 182 vom 23.09.2003, S. 17, Id. 1182882).Eingetragene Personen Neu: Tebor Treuhand AG, in Zug, Revisionsstelle.Gelöscht: [In Treu Treuhand-Gesellschaft AG, in Zug, Revisionsstelle].
SHAB: 192 / 2003 vom 07.10.2003 (Seite 12)
01.10.2003 (3964) Briganzia Treuhand AG, in Schönenwerd, Treuhandgeschäft und Erbringung von Consulting- Dienstleistungen im Schulungs- und EDV-Bereich usw., Aktiengesellschaft (SHAB Nr. 141 vom 25. 07. 2003, S. 10, Publ. 1101462). Die Gesellschaft shall be deleted due to transfer of the seat on the train (SHAB No. 182, 23.09.2003, p. 17) in the commercial register of the canton of Solothurn officio.
01.10.2003 (3964) Briganzia Treuhand AG, in Schönenwerd, Treuhandgeschäft und Erbringung von Consulting- Dienstleistungen im Schulungs- und EDV-Bereich usw., Aktiengesellschaft (SHAB Nr. 141 vom 25. 07. 2003, S. 10, Publ. 1101462). Die Gesellschaft shall be deleted due to transfer of the seat on the train (SHAB No. 182, 23.09.2003, p. 17) in the commercial register of the canton of Solothurn officio.
SOGC: 182 / 2003, 23.09.2003 (page 17)
09/17/2003 (8705) Briganzia Trust Ltd, Address: [formerly: Schönenwerd] The company aims trust business, Aktiengesellschaft (SHAB No 141 of 25.07.2003, page 10) Articles of Incorporation. 10.09.2003.Sitz new: Zug.Domizil new: Baarerstrasse 59, 6300 Zug.Zweck: The company seeks the trust business and the provision of consulting services in training and IT field, and the ownership of subsidiaries, affiliates can establish, participate in other companies and real estate purchase and veräussern.Aktienkapital Was: CHF 100'000, Issue: CHF 100,000 and 10,000 bearer shares at CHF 10.Qualifizierte facts now: kind: The company took in the foundation contract in Kind from 03/07/2003 10,000 bearer shares of CHF 10.00 'Salevia Trust Ltd', in Kriens, what wurden.Publikationsorgan issued 10,000 bearer shares at CHF 10.00 Was: SHAB.Eingetragene people new: Rähmi, Hans, Homeland: Marthalen in train, a member with single signature, in good Treuhand-Gesellschaft AG, train, Revisionsstelle.Gelöscht: [Bründler, Beatrice Barbara, home to: Lucerne, Ebikon in Kriens, a member with single signature], [Däscher, Hans, Homeland: Luzein, Zurich,] in Zurich, auditors.
09/17/2003 (8705) Briganzia Trust Ltd, Address: [formerly: Schönenwerd] The company aims trust business, Aktiengesellschaft (SHAB No 141 of 25.07.2003, page 10) Articles of Incorporation. 10.09.2003.Sitz new: Zug.Domizil new: Baarerstrasse 59, 6300 Zug.Zweck: The company seeks the trust business and the provision of consulting services in training and IT field, and the ownership of subsidiaries, affiliates can establish, participate in other companies and real estate purchase and veräussern.Aktienkapital Was: CHF 100'000, Issue: CHF 100,000 and 10,000 bearer shares at CHF 10.Qualifizierte facts now: kind: The company took in the foundation contract in Kind from 03/07/2003 10,000 bearer shares of CHF 10.00 'Salevia Trust Ltd', in Kriens, what wurden.Publikationsorgan issued 10,000 bearer shares at CHF 10.00 Was: SHAB.Eingetragene people new: Rähmi, Hans, Homeland: Marthalen in train, a member with single signature, in good Treuhand-Gesellschaft AG, train, Revisionsstelle.Gelöscht: [Bründler, Beatrice Barbara, home to: Lucerne, Ebikon in Kriens, a member with single signature], [Däscher, Hans, Homeland: Luzein, Zurich,] in Zurich, auditors.
SOGC: 141 / 2003 dated 25/07/2003 (page 10)
07/21/2003 (3017) Briganzia Trust Ltd, in Schönenwerd, at the law firm Hans Däscher, Gösgerstrasse 15, 5012 Schönenwerd, joint stock company (new registration ) Articles of Incorporation Date: 3. 07. 2003.Zweck: The company seeks the trust business and the provision of consulting services in training and IT sector as well as the holding company. May establish branches and subsidiaries in Germany and abroad to participate in other companies involved in home and abroad, and purchase real property at home and abroad, and sell, and also all business that is likely to promote the attainment of its purposes or erleichtern.Aktienkapital: CHF 100'000 .--. Issue share capital : CHF 100'000 .--. shares: 10,000 bearer shares of CHF 10 --. Qualified facts: in kind: The company takes the lead in establishing contributions dated 07/03/2003 10,000 bearer shares of CHF 10 - the ' Salevia Treuhand AG ', in Kriens, for which 10,000 bearer shares of CHF 10 - werden.Publikationsorgan displayed: SHAB. Notifications to shareholders made in writing, provided that the Names and addresses of all shareholders are known elsewhere in the SHAB.Eingetragene People: Bründler, Beatrice Barbara, of Lucerne and Ebikon in Kriens , a member of the Board, with individual signature; Däscher, Hans, Zurich and Luzein, in Zurich, Auditors .
07/21/2003 (3017) Briganzia Trust Ltd, in Schönenwerd, at the law firm Hans Däscher, Gösgerstrasse 15, 5012 Schönenwerd, joint stock company (new registration ) Articles of Incorporation Date: 3. 07. 2003.Zweck: The company seeks the trust business and the provision of consulting services in training and IT sector as well as the holding company. May establish branches and subsidiaries in Germany and abroad to participate in other companies involved in home and abroad, and purchase real property at home and abroad, and sell, and also all business that is likely to promote the attainment of its purposes or erleichtern.Aktienkapital: CHF 100'000 .--. Issue share capital : CHF 100'000 .--. shares: 10,000 bearer shares of CHF 10 --. Qualified facts: in kind: The company takes the lead in establishing contributions dated 07/03/2003 10,000 bearer shares of CHF 10 - the ' Salevia Treuhand AG ', in Kriens, for which 10,000 bearer shares of CHF 10 - werden.Publikationsorgan displayed: SHAB. Notifications to shareholders made in writing, provided that the Names and addresses of all shareholders are known elsewhere in the SHAB.Eingetragene People: Bründler, Beatrice Barbara, of Lucerne and Ebikon in Kriens , a member of the Board, with individual signature; Däscher, Hans, Zurich and Luzein, in Zurich, Auditors .
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