Thursday, February 10, 2011

Imagenes De Hernia Inguinal

Es wird langsam Frühling...

... you realize the main reason is that consumption of clothing when walking in the beautiful rumträgt limited, and is no longer so much material in the area.

What is not natural for Milo.

Der ist nämlich immer fast nackt, wenn es raus geht.

Und mit Milo war ich gestern abend schön entspannte 10 Kilometer im Ostpark bei warmen 5 Grad Celsius unterwegs. Biggi hat uns ebenfalls groupiemäßig unterstützt, sie musste wegen einer akuten Schulterverletzung in der Basis ausharren und beehrte lieber Evi bei Tee und Süßem und Saurem. Nebenbei gesagt: Biggi hat nur Tossy 1 und einen klitzekleinen Knorpelanminirißchen, so dass ein Einsatz in Freiburg nicht nur wieder wahrscheinlich, sondern auch ziemlich sicher ist. Juhu! Und keine Widerrede, Biggi, ich weiss, dass Du laufen wirst. Du hältst das doch sowieso nicht aus... :-)

As I said, laid 10 kilometers, which does not mean that we do not fast the way was, but simply loose and relaxed, were talked a lot (Like say Veit would "Verbal incontinence) and we sometimes indulged myself in a few seconds have to make stylish photos of our dream bodies. So we have taken about 65 minutes, which in view of the nonsense that we (opposition from the back: "! DIR" Yes, yes, paid) has occurred, but was quite acceptable. Clearly one could be faster. But as I said, old men are not a fast train and I want Milo, after he's been a while no longer running, and he shall be "unsportsmanlike" become (Scherzkeks!) not frustrating. So easy and enjoy the run also was the day!

sometimes you should just take the time and the flowers that grow along the way taste.

Provided you can pluck them during the run!

again at the end was good pasta and wine and coffee and conversation (the Milo has once again ignored power append) announced at its best, which in addition to the shower but it is always a nice reward. In addition to the damned good feeling that one has done something for himself and his soul.

Biggi Thank you, thank you Milo, for a wonderful evening!


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